Millésime Chocolat is a bean-to-bar craft chocolate workshop located in Liège, Belgium, that works directly with cocoa beans. It is one of the few bean-to-bar workshops in Belgium. Each of our chocolates is exclusive because it bears its vintage and comes from a specific terrain and area! As in the world of wine-making, our main aspiration is to promote natural produce, with flavours that change from one year to the next while keeping the basic characteristics of each region or country.Like others do with wine, our distinctive trait is that we only work with beans from exceptional plantations and terrains, thus putting the spotlight on their defining characteristics. We do not mix different harvests, regions or vintages.
We span the entire chocolate-making process from roasting the raw cocoa beans to the finished products. Our aim is to capitalise on our expertise from the selection of beans to sales to consumers. It takes us back to authentic craft chocolate made from A to Z. Our roasting and chocolate-making work starts as soon as the raw beans arrive in jute bags… Chocolate-making is a complex process in which fermented cocoa beans are roasted, crushed, pounded on stone, conched and tempered using specialised equipment until their transformation into chocolate is complete.
Nicaragua: Nougatine - Pistache 65%
Madagascar: Lacté 50% praliné
Pérou: caramel beurre salé lacté 55%
Colombie: noir 75% Nougatine Amandes
Vietnam: noir 75% gingembre-yuzu
République Dom. : Noisettes noir 75%
Vénézuela: 55% Fruit de la Passion
Costa Rica: lacté 50%
Costa Rica: noir 65%
Équateur: noir 70%
Inde: noir 74%
Cameroun: noir 75%
Brésil: noir 76%
Colombie: noir 90%
Millésime Chocolat 選用各個產地獨特風味的可可豆,推出單一產地比利時bean to bar巧克力,年份不同時風味也因而不同,產品亦顯其獨特性。所精選可可豆主要來自尼加拉瓜、馬達加斯加、祕魯、哥倫比亞、越南、多明尼加、委內瑞拉、哥斯大黎加、厄瓜多、印度、巴西等十幾個產地。巧克力包裝設計顏色豐富,包裝上還可看到如同葡萄酒酒標的產地、年份、品種、可可百分比等相關資訊。