搜尋結果 (119)
國立公共資訊圖書館(以下簡稱國資圖)馬湘萍館長與比利時台北辦事處馬徹處長(Matthieu BRANDERS) 於2024年3月29日在國資圖3樓的比利時資料中心,共同揭幕藍色小精靈 (The Smurfs)壁畫,國資圖是該壁畫所在地布魯塞爾中央車站之外的唯一授權展現之處,透過比利時法語文化...
全球最多人口的法語首都是哪座城市? 桃園市立圖書館總圖昨(30)日與比利時台北辦事處合作舉辦台灣法語月系列講座:探索法語圈世界,邀請天主教輔仁大學法語系副教授狄百彥分享,他強調,全球法語圈國家已經近年從最早的法國首度巴黎, 後來因北美的重要經濟發展而轉移到加拿大的蒙特婁市(Montr&eacu...
賀!! 比利時動畫片-喜馬拉雅之花獲獎啦!非常高興在眾多優秀的作品中可以脫穎而出! 《 #喜馬拉雅之花》以嶄新的方式理解情感、家庭與人際關係,拿下 #最佳動畫長片獎 這次台灣國際兒童影展 Taiwan Int'l Children’s Film Festival...
2024-03-28 11:07 陳怡靜(自由撰稿人) https://reurl.cc/kr498K 比利時漫畫家Dimitri Piot(左)、台灣漫畫家小莊 最初是比利時漫畫家迪米崔・皮尤(Dimitri Piot)的瘋狂點子。得知將和台灣漫畫家小莊合作時,迪米崔的念頭是:「噢,...
國史館辦學術論壇 從歷史視角看比利時與台灣的認同 2024-04-17 17:44 中央社/ 台北17日電   國史館館長陳儀深。圖/聯合報系資料照片 國史館、台灣歷史學會、比利時新魯汶大學今天合辦「認同:20-21世紀台灣與比利時的歷史視角」學術論壇。國史館館...
Engie*在弗萊馬勒(Flémalle瓦隆大區列日省的市鎮)進行一項價值5億歐元的項目,建設一座新的燃料蒸氣渦輪機(TGV-Turbine Gaz Vapeur)發電廠。列日地區許多公司參與其中,包括負責建造世界上最高效鍋爐之一的約翰·科克里爾(John Cockeri...
ACTIVITIES, PRODUCTS AND BRANDS Avieta has been baking waffles for more than 80 years from the heart of Belgium. Our family-owned company has worked ...
COMPANY BACKGROUND Altesse is a Belgian manufacturer of emulsified sauces and mayonnaises and is a family-owned company created in 1954. PRODUCT...
A FAMILY STORY A bold and innovative concept created by 3 family members: Thomas Cnockaert, Antoine Van den Abeele and Stany Obin. Our goal: to use t...
ACTIVITIES, PRODUCTS AND BRANDS Stephen Destrée, a professional pastry baker, first initiated as a biscuitier in 2008. His aim is to place the...
ACTIVITIES, PRODUCTS AND BRANDS DESOBRY has a large product range: 45 different biscuits are packed in all different kind of boxes: tin boxes, trendy...
Castle Dairy® is a dried dairy supplier that produces in-house commodities and blends for a large range of food industries. Their experience in dr...
Established in 1868 in close vicinity to the splendid castle of Beloeil, Castle Malting® is the oldest malting company in Belgium and one of the o...
COMPANY BACKGROUND Carré Noir is the sparkling creative chocolate factory located in Liège, Belgium. Melanie and her team recently rec...
ACTIVITIES, PRODUCTS AND BRANDS Millésime Chocolat is a bean-to-bar craft chocolate workshop located in Liège, Belgium, that works dire...
ACTIVITIES, PRODUCTS AND BRANDS Nature Snacks is a producer and wholesaler of healthy organic snacks. We have developed two brands: Blooom Organics, ...
GLOBAL OVERVIEW The Kluiz brewery is in Anseroeul, a small verdant village at the foot of Mont-de-l’Enclus in Belgium. The summit of the moun...
The Brasseries de Flobecq breweries are the successful result and proof that Walloon brewing is alive and thriving. Here we are reinventing the world ...
Neobulles is a Belgian company specialized in production and distribution of beverages around the world since 2014. We are passionate about developing...
ACTIVITIES, PRODUCTS AND BRANDS Jean Brasse is a brand of 4 artisanal beers: White, Blond IPA, Amber and Brown. The beers contain only malts, hops ...